Hyper Text Markup Language

In the privious chapter we have learned about web development strategies and what parameters are required to create a web page or website. The Internet and its connectivity were also studied and how browsers as clients and servers communicate with each other.

In this chapter...

Here are the topics we'll cover

Some basic hyper text markup language which is used to create html documents.

How to use list and hypertext effectively in html documents?

How to include images in html documents? It will improve the appearence of html documents.


Hyper Text Markup Language HTML is a method where ordinary text can be converted into hypertext. It is a set of a special codes included to control the layout and appearance of text.

HTML is not a programming language it combines instruction within data to tell and display programme called browser how to render the data that the document contains.

HTML is the character-based method of describing and expressing the content. The content is pictures, text, sound, and video clips.

HTML is a simple markup language used to create platform-independent hypertext document on the worldwide wave most hypertext document on the wave are written in Html.

Structure of HTML Document

HTML generally has two parts an on-code and an off-code, which contains the text to be defined. Few tags do not require to an off-code.


HTML define and specify the specific elements that make up a page such as the body of the text, heading, paragraphs, line breaks, text element, etc.

Tag or tag element refer to the html code codes that define the element in an html file such as heading, emails, paragraph, and list.

Html tags are inserted into a document between angular brackets <> and dag in html are non case-sensitive.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>First Class</title>
    <h1>Hello world!</h1>
    <p>Welcome to Web Technology Tutorial.</p>

Header or Head Section: It includes a pair of tags, <head> and </head> to identify the heading or title or metadata of a document.

The text between the <title> and </title> tag, appear as the title in the browsers window, and the length of it should not exceed beyond 60 character.

Body Section: The body of an html document contains the text that will show up on the web page. The body section is enclosed within <body> and </body> tags. It gives the description of document layout and structure.

Heading Tags: The heading tags are used to display heading on the web page in various sizes as main and subheading. HTML document support 6 level of html heading <h1> (as largest) to <h6> (as smallest).

Paragraph Formatting Tags: Whenever we are interested in organizing the text into a paragraph then paragraph and tab <p>...</p> can be used. Two specify the beginning of the paragraph and the indoor paragraph <p> and </p> is used.


Ending tag a <p> is not necessary.

The <br> (line break) tag is an empty tag or a standalone tag that simply inserts a line break.

The <b> or <strong> and <i> or <em> tag is applied only to the first paragraph that appears bold and itailized respectively.

Division Tag: The <div> tag is used to apply alignment and style characteristics to only a section of document.

Comment tag: It is a standalone that enable us to include messages for anyone else future reference.

<!-- type comment here -->

Preformatted Text: The <pre> (preformatted text) tag is used to display a block of "preformatted" text in a monospace fixed-bitch font. It is mainly used to display text in a tabular or columnar format in which we want to make sure that the column remains properly aligned.

Creating Lists

Headings and paragraph text elements are used more commonly than lists. We can create two types of lists— Ordered an Unordered.

The Ordered List Tag

The <ol> (Ordered List) tag defines a sequentially numbered list of items. It is used in consumption with the <li> (list item) tags, which is used to tag the individual list item in a list.

    <li>MS WORD</li>
    <li>MS EXCEL</li>
    <li>MS POWERPOINT</li>

The Unordered List Tag

The <ul> tags defines a bullet list of items, the <li> (list item) is nested inside the <ul> tag and defines each item within the list.

    <li>MS WORD</li>
    <li>MS EXCEL</li>
    <li>MS POWERPOINT</li>

Nesting Lists

We can nest a list inside another list, the browser automatically indents nested list levels, We can nest the same or different kinds of lists.


Table is a collection of row and columns. It is used for arranging the layout of a web page. The contents on the page look organised with the use of tables which adds to its visual appeal also.

Here is an example of a table in html 5 below:

The <table>... </table> (Table) tag is used to creating tables. Which marks the beginning and end of the table.

The <tr>... </tr> (table row) tag is used to add a row in a table. For each row there will be a set of table row tags.

The <td>... </td> (table data) tag is used to define each cell in the table. They must be nested within the table row tags.

Needs to Know

It is not necessary for all the row to have same number of columns, the row will less number of columns will be banded with blank cell.

Table captains and headers

Generally, every table displayed in the page will have a title and that describes the contents of the tables.

The <caption>... </caption> tag is used for the title caption for a table. This elements should appear inside the <table> tag but not inside the table row or cells. It may have its lines wrapped to fit within the width of the table.

The <th>... </th> tags are used to designate a cell to be a header cell and are to be used within the <tr>... </tr> tags.

Nested Tables

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Nested Table Class</title>
    <table border="2" align="center">
        <caption> Btech </caption>
        <tr><td> Section</td>
            <td><table border="2">


The <img> (image) tag allows us to display images on web page. The <img> (image) tag is an empty or standalone document element.

<img src="cute_girl.jpg" alt="Girl with smile." height="340px" width="280px">

The src (source) attribute is required attribute that identify the partial address (url) or just the name of the file to display.

The alt (attribute) to provide an alternative to an image in the case of someone using a text only browser or using a graphical browser with image turned off.

Height and Width of an Image

Normally, a web browser has to download an image before it allocates space for it on a web page. i.e. If it have large graphics, everything else has to wait until the image downloads.

If we set the dimensions of the graphics using the height and width attribute of the img tag, the browser can allocate a space for graphics and then display the render of the page without waiting for the graphics to download completely.

This will resize the graphics to fit horizontally within a browser window, the hight of the image will also be resized correspondingly.


A form is a collection of forms fields on a page. Typically has a form handler, which is a method of collecting information from the form, once the user submits the form, the form handler swings into the action. The form handler is a script (program) that handle the data on the form.

A form handler can be used to—

  • Store the data submitted by the user into a text file. The data can be retrieved as and when required.
  • Update a database with the data submitted by the user.
  • Post the data on a web page.

Application areas of forms

Eductional sites: For collecting names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other information via website to register user for a service or event.

Collecting feedback on website: Most organisation and companies has that offer a service increase users to send their feedback. It is a source of information for change or improvement.

Providing the interface for session: Users are required to fill out login or signup form if they want to participate.

Creating a Form

Forms can be classified into three sections—

  • Form header
  • Input fields
  • Action Buttons

Form header

The form header can be added to the form either by using the <p> tag or <div> tag.

Input Element

Input element are form elements that can accept input form from the user. The following are the sum of the input elements that can be added to a form—

textText entry box
buttonCustom Push Button
checkboxOn/Off Check box
imageGraphical Image
passwordMasked text entry
radioRadio Buttons
resetReset Button
submitSubmit Button
dateEntering a date as a date picker
emailA field for editing an email address.
filethe use select a file
telEntering a telephone number.

Text Box: A text box allows a user to enter data such as characters and numbers.

Check Box: A cheque box is like a toggle switch where user can select one select or note select the item. If the check box is selected then a value true is returned with the check box name else false is return.

Radio Button: Radio buttons are used when the user has to make a selection among multiple choices and is always used in a group.

Password Field: This is same as a text box, except that whatever the user is marked with an asterisk * or a bullet or some similar character so that no one can see what the user has a value typed.

Multiple Line Text Input: In certain cases it might be necessary to accept several lines of text from the user, in such case to use the <textarea> tag.

Pull Down Menu: A selection list displays a list of options from which the user can select an item. The <select> tag is used to define the selection list in a form and should be defined within the <form> tag. The <option> tag is attached to the <select> tag to display a list of options.

Action Buttons

Once all the details in the form are entered, then this data has to be stored somewhere so that it can be reused. Their are two predefinite buttons called submit or reset buttons.

Submit Button: On clicking this button the data in all fields will be sent to the server as a series of name/value pair.

Reset Button: The reset button is used to clear the contents set default values to all the form elements and make them active.

Attribute to form tag

<form> tag could have two attributes: methods and action.

Method: It specifies how the browser should communicate with the server. Possible value are GET and POST. GET method is used in case data from a pre-stabilised index needs to be queries. And if the information in the form is to be collected for later then POST method is used.

Action: It specifies what CGI script is used to process the data. The values could either be an url to the script or an mail to: which will send the form directly to the specified address.


Frames enables the user to divide a page into number of rectangular regions/windows of various sizes. A page can have one or more frame, each of the frames is a website in itself, they can access different urls and each of these can be updated independently.

Frames could be applied for the following on the web page—

  • To display the log or a stationary information in one fixed partition of the page.
  • For the table of contents, in a page where people can just click and move around the website without having to move constantly to the contents page.

Defining Frameset

The<frameset> is the html tag used to create a framed page. This tag replace the <body> tag completely to create frames-style pages. The <frameset> tag can have two attributes— rows and cols.

Rows: rows specify number of horizontal windows or frames and values in the rows attribute specify the height of the frames in the frameset.

Cols: cols specify number of vertical window or frames and the values in them specify the width of the frames in the framset.

    <head> <title> Frames Document </title> </head>
    <frameset cols = 30%, 70%>
        <frame src="A1.html" name="first frame">
            <frame src="A2.html" name="second frame">


<frameset> was used in html 4. The <iframe> tag specifies an inline frame. An inline frame is used to embed another document with the current html document. use css to style the <iframe>.

<iframe src="/default.asp" width="100%" height="300" style="border:1px solid black;">

Next Up

3: Extensible Markup Language

Let's Study about (XML) eXtensible Markup Language and its uses. It allows us to define custom tags.

Start Chapter 3

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