WT Questions
- What is DTD? Discuss its difference with XML schema.
- Define XML and write the difference between HTML and XML.
- What is HTTP? How do browser and server communicate using
and response? Explain with example. - Explain the HTML tags for tables, frames and forms with the help of suitable example.
- What do you understand by Web technology? Proof the name of protocols which help in web and explain working of that protocol.
- What is CSS? Discuss the difference ways to create CSS, also explain the properties of CSS.
- Define box model in css with block diagram.
- Explain difference between id class selector in CSS.
- Explain different types of selectors with examples.
- What is difference between inline, internal, and external css. Give examples of how to apply each type.
- What is the difference between Java and JavaScript? Describe the strength and weaknesses of JavaScript.
- What are scripting language and why JavaScript is used? Write a javascript function for validating form data like mandatory field and email field.
- Explain and demonstrate five different type of object in JavaScript with example.
- Write a short note on AJAX? Explain its advantage and its working.
- Discuss socket and server socket in Java with its package. Write a programme in Java to demonstrate, how the communication is established between client and server?